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Kamindu Nim
Kamindu Nim


WPA2 PSK Wordlist Zip Download

WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) is a security protocol that protects wireless networks from unauthorized access and eavesdropping. WPA2 uses a pre-shared key (PSK) to encrypt the data transmitted between the devices connected to the network. However, if the PSK is weak or common, it can be guessed by attackers using a dictionary attack, which is a method of trying different words or combinations of words until the correct one is found.


A wordlist is a file that contains a list of words or phrases that can be used for a dictionary attack. A wordlist can be customized to target a specific network or device, or it can be general and contain common passwords or words from different languages. A wordlist can also be compressed into a zip file to reduce its size and make it easier to download and share.

There are many sources of wordlists on the internet, some of which are specifically designed for WPA2 PSK cracking. In this article, we will introduce some of the most popular and comprehensive wordlists that can be downloaded as zip files.

GitHub - kennyn510/wpa2-wordlists

This is a collection of wordlists dictionaries for password cracking created by kennyn510, a GitHub user. It contains wordlists from various sources, such as openwall, coasts password collections, Xploitz Master Password Collection, ftp sites, Facebook usernames, and Argon wordlists. It also includes kennyn510's personal wordlist of 1.9 GB. The wordlists are formatted to WPA rules of 8-63 characters and have no duplicates. The total size of the wordlists is 13 GB, but they are compressed into a 4.4 GB zip file. You can download it from [GitHub].

Hak5 Forums - 13GB (4.4gb compressed) - WPA WPA2 Word List - 982,963,904 Words

This is another collection of wordlists for WPA/WPA2 cracking posted by Anton, a Hak5 Forums user. It is similar to kennyn510's collection, but it also includes some additional sources, such as The Pirate Bay, ISO Hunt, Torrent Hound, and random usernames from over 30,000 websites. The wordlists are also formatted to WPA rules and have no duplicates. The total size of the wordlists is 13 GB, but they are compressed into a 4.49 GB zip file. You can download it from [Hak5 Forums].

GitHub - conwnet/wpa-dictionary

This is a wordlist for WPA/WPA2 cracking created by conwnet, another GitHub user. It is based on the Chinese language and contains common passwords and phrases used by Chinese speakers. It also includes some English words and numbers. The wordlist has about 40 million words and is compressed into a 133 MB zip file. You can download it from [GitHub].


These are some of the best wordlists that you can download as zip files for WPA/WPA2 cracking. However, you should be aware that using these wordlists may not guarantee success, as the PSK may not be in the list or may be too complex to crack in a reasonable time. Therefore, you should always use legal and ethical methods to test the security of your own network or with permission from the owner.




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